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KIX hub repository launch banner
The KIX Africa 19 Hub Consortium Partners (UNESCO-IICBA, UNICEF, AUC)
08/12/2020 - 12pm (GMT)

KIX Africa 19 Hub repository launch

The Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX) is a joint endeavor between the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC). The KIX Africa 19 Hub aims to support GPE member countries to accelerate progress toward SDG 4 for quality education and the African Union’s Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA) 2016-2025. VVOB is a technical partner in the KIX Africa 19 hub.


The Hub hosts a launch event to publish and introduce the Africa 19 Digital Repository to the Hub members and the education community in Eastern, Southern and Western Africa. The Digital Repository compiles education sector plans, sector analyses, joint sector review aide memoires, research and studies, education data sets, blogs, videos, infographics and other materials relevant to the Hub’s policy and research sharing activities and aims to serve as a database of evidence, knowledge and information for all Hub members. The Africa 19 Digital Repository will link to the KIX digital platform.