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Africa Federation of Teaching Regulatory Authorities
Maseru (Lesotho)
13/05/2019 - 18/05/2019

8th AFTRA Conference, 10th round table and 10 year anniversary

As an intergovernmental organisation covering 55 African countries, their ministries and institutions of education, teachers unions and CSOs in education, AFTRA organises its 8th conference on 'Teaching and learning in Africa for Global Competitiveness'. Other high-profile participants typically include the African Union, UNESCO-IICBA, Education International and members of the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 (including VVOB) and the International Forum of Teaching Regulatory Authorities.


The Conference brings together these strategic blocks to interface with the ministers of education and other top government functionaries, teachers, learners, information communication and technology experts and other critical stakeholders to brainstorm and chart the way forward for education in Africa.