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On this page, you can submit a report or complaint about an integrity violation committed by (an) employee(s) of VVOB – education for development. The report and management procedure of a complaint is strictly confidential, independent and considers the reporter and/or injured party or victim.


The report or complaint is treated with confidentiality. Only the complaint manager has access to all the information of the complaint. Personal data is never shared, unless the reporter of the complaint consents to this. Other people may become involved at a later stage, if so required for the further handling of the complaint.

The report or complaint is managed objectively and independently, in accordance with the general code of ethics, the code of ethics with regards to children and youth and the integrity policy of VVOB; and in accordance with the internal procedure for complaint management.

If a complaint is submitted, the submitter is kept informed about the steps taken.

A report or complaint can be submitted by any injured party, victim or witness of an integrity violation committed by VVOB and its employees.

Submission of a report or complaint