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The Australian Council for Educational Research and VVOB have committed to jointly set up and carry out research projects on education. “This new partnership is another step forward in our mission to be a self-reflective and ever-learning organisation”, said VVOB’s General Director Sven Rooms.

The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) is an independent not-for-profit research organisation with over 400 staff located around the globe. ACER is committed to the use of systematic investigation, evaluation and critical reflection in the search for ways to improve learning.


“ACER and VVOB bonded over our joint interest in improving quality education for all”, VVOB’s General Director Sven Rooms comments. “ACER’s global research expertise in the school education sector draws on decades of experience – they have been around since the 1930s – and we look forward to the benefits that our international research cooperation on lifelong learning can bring to VVOB’s implementing work in the field. This new partnership is another step forward in our mission to be a self-reflective and ever-learning organisation.”


The ACER-VVOB 5-year partnership centres on the promotion of a range of research projects in education to examine issues pertaining to:

  • Quality teaching and learning
  • Effective school leadership
  • Equity and inclusion
  • Early years education including school readiness and early primary years