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With 2016 coming to an end, so did VVOB’s multiannual programme that ran since 2014. During that last year, the results and impact of the three-year programme on education took shape. In the annual report of 2016, we let our partners do the talking.

How did their partnership with VVOB impact the quality of their work specifically, and the quality of the education sector in their country in general?

For each of the nine countries where VVOB worked in 2016, one or two respected individuals testify to the impact and results of their partnership with VVOB. The Assistant Permanent Secretary for TVET in Suriname praises that "VVOB brings external expertise to the table, but are mindful of the Surinamese context at the same time", the Head of Propoganda Division of the Women's Union in Vietnam delves into how "the cooperation between VVOB and the Women's Union has brought about changes in how parents support their children during the pre- to primary school transition", and a head teacher in Rwanda discusses how "the professional learning network has really helped [her] improve [her] day-to-day work, as well as [her] leadership practices", among many other testimonies.
