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ARNEC Connections launch event banner
Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood (ARNEC)
21/01/2021 - 7:30-8:30 am (GMT)

Join us for the launch of 'Ensuring the well-being of young children amidst environmental risks in the Asia-Pacific region', the 2020 issue of ARNEC Connections. This edition explores the nexus between early childhood development and the physical environment, including the environmental risks young children are exposed to in the region.


VVOB contributed a chapter titled 'Growing up in cities: empowering early childhood services in Da Nang, Viet Nam to deal with urban barriers to learning'Learn everything about our CITIES project here.


The hour-long launch features insights from experts on the vulnerabilities young children experience under unhealthy environments and changing climates in the region, as well as the multisectoral, holistic approaches required to ensure nurturing and sustainable environments for them.