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YEO 2030 Network
Silver Spring Maryland, USA
16-18 May 2023

YEO Reimagined: Powering Youth-Led Action Towards 2030

In 2023, the world will have experienced a global pandemic for four years which has worsened existing inequalities and hindered progress towards achieving the SDGs by 2030. Young people have been disproportionately affected by issues such as unemployment, the climate crisis, and challenges to democracy, which makes their social and economic mobility and well-being more difficult. Despite these obstacles, young people are resilient and innovative in finding economic opportunities to improve their livelihoods.

The Global Youth Economic Opportunities (YEO) Summit in 2023 will focus on reimagining and creating sustainable economic opportunities for young people in the decade of action towards achieving the SDGs by 2030. This year's learning agenda will cover topics such as green and digital skills, mental health, resilience, inclusion, mentorship for entrepreneurs, and private sector engagement. The summit will explore how collaborative efforts with young people can contribute to achieving SDG 8.


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