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The British Council
Cape Town, South Africa
1-2 November 2022

Evidence from research clearly demonstrates the positive impact instructional leadership or pedagogical leadership has on improving the quality of teaching and thus student outcomes. This conference on driving school improvement focuses on how policy makers and system leaders can create an enabling environment to ensure that school leaders focus on this vital area of their extensive role. It will address some key questions offering participants the opportunity to discuss topics such as: 

  • What is instructional leadership and why is it important? 
  • How can school leaders create a trusting, exploratory climate where tools such as lesson observation are seen as a professional development entitlement? 
  • How can school leaders contribute to improved gender equality through a focus on instructional leadership? 

VVOB calls for action in support of school leadership and presents the African Centre of School Leadership.

The African Centre for School Leadership

The African Centre for School Leadership supports governments and other educational stakeholders in Africa to help build robust school leadership systems that strengthen teaching and improve learning outcomes for all. 

Find out here what the African Centre for School Leadership can mean for quality education in Africa and how you can engage. VVOB’s most important resources on school leadership are included too.