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Cambodia learners do the "equality" sign

Six short videos capture the transformation of various stakeholders – young and old – involved in TIGER, our Cambodia-based project aimed at making schools gender-responsive and safe learning environments for both girls and boys. Enjoy learning from these role models

Meet Phy Srey Nich, grade 5 learner, and her teacher Ms Kun Theary. Both go to Samdach Chea Sim Primary School in Battambang province, Cambodia, to learn and teach. Their school is one of 40 pilot schools of the TIGER project, or ‘Teaching for Improved Gender Equality and Responsiveness’, which supports schools’ transformation into centres of excellence for gender-responsiveness. 

Hands-on tools for gender-responsive teaching

As the video above illustrates, being aware of classroom arrangement is a crucial aspect of gender-responsive teaching. ‘Gender-responsive classroom arrangement’ is one of 7 lessons developed for teachers in the TIGER Action Guide. This government-endorsed Action Guide unlocks the potential of teachers and school leaders to provide all learners with opportunities to develop their own talents, irrespective of gender stereotypes.


Download the TIGER Action Guide on gender-responsive teaching and school leadership here


The Action Guide introduces its users to key concepts and knowledge on gender and school-related gender-based violence, but also provides them with guidelines and tools to put gender-responsive teaching into practice in the classroom. In printed version, the Action Guide reads as a flip-over booklet with guidelines and tools for school leadership on one side, and for teaching on the other. The introductory part is the same, because teachers' and school leaders' understanding of key concepts should be too.


After attending a TIGER training, Ms Kun Theary put some new lessons on classroom arrangement into practice: “I now alternate boys and girls in the seating plan. I did this to stimulate trust between one another. This makes it easier for them to share experiences.”


While Phy Srey Nich first did not understand her teacher’s new way of doing things, she’s now a big believer: “It’s easy! Girl or boy, we can the same things, whether it is a light or heavy job. I thank my teacher for teaching us about gender equality. It makes us more understanding.” 

Find 5 more short videos of change in our playlist on YouTube:

  • Ms Tep Vandy, deputy director at Battambang Teacher Education College 
  • Ms Yin An, vice director at Anglong Vil primary School 
  • Mr Yon Sokheng, teacher trainer at Battambang Teacher Education College 
  • Mr Roeut Bo, physics and chemistry teacher at Soheu secondary school 
  • Mr Phon Vanak, second-year student teacher at Battambang Teacher Education College