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I am Mercedes and I work for the National Board of Elementary Education of the Ministry of Education. I am appointed to the post of co-coordinator for the EGC programme. This position interests me greatly because of the many challenges to which we can jointly and creatively find a solution.

The VVOB programme in 2009 entails significant progress in the work with the schools and their transformation into participants of change. The positive changes in behaviour of the members of the different work groups, the inspectors and the principals of the institutions, lie at the basis of a real change within the learning communities. Adults now learn from their children, teachers from the parents and students from other students. These are all components of the education revolution that can be traced back to the culture of the Indians and their ‘sumak kawsay’, ‘life in its full intensity’. This can not happen unless people are willing to work together and with respect for one another.

The new constitution perceives education as a strategy to attain happy cohabitation with a guarantee for participation, equal rights, interculturality and inclusion. This constitutes the dream of our people. We all want a qualitative form of education, aimed at the people and their development as a component in the greater whole, with respect for nature, human rights, democracy, with attention for equal gender rights, justice, solidarity and peace and a place where art, individual and collective initiative, and the development of skills can thrive.

This is all possible and therefore I am determined to work hard, so that the schools can transform to beacons of change.

Dreams become reality when we work together for a better future!