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Naar onderwijs dat kansen biedt voor élk Surinaams kind

"My name is Jozef Mardjo and I work for the Ministry of Education (MOE) as a head teacher of a primary school in Paramaribo, Suriname. Through my work for MOE I came into contact with PROGRESS (Programme More Effective Schools Suriname), a programme of both MOE and VVOB. I took part in various training courses for primary school teachers offered by PROGRESS. I think it is important that teachers receive tools to teach better. Together with two other teachers from my school I therefore regularly attend the courses of VVOB. Together we form the “Educational Innovation Team” of our school. This means that we take several courses and pass on the acquired knowledge to our colleagues.

We have already finished the trainings “I believe in you!”, “Powerful Learning Environment” and “Activating Teaching Didactics”. After each training we meet and discuss the subject and consider how to transfer it to the colleagues in school. In passing on the topics, we immediately put theory into practice. For example, we used a song as a signal during training. This way, our teachers experience how well it works, which in turn may encourage them to use it in their classroom. It feels good to see that the teachers in my school apply these methods and that they also use their own creativity to visualise in class what they have learnt. One example is the appraisal and attention for each child when making him or her the 'sunbeam of the week'. The children make an art piece during Visual Arts class and the best work is then exhibited in a special notebook. Every time we choose another pupil and we praise his or her work. This stimulates everyone to do their best in each class. The notice board now mentions only positive messages to motivate the students.

During the parent-teacher meetings we inform the parents about the educational reforms already implemented in the classes. We feel it is important that they too are aware of the changes. With the tools from the PROGRESS training we are better at our work and we progress towards a more child-friendly and effective education. Education that offers opportunities for every Surinamese child!"