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UNESCO Chair on Lifelong Learning, Youth & Work based at Gulu University and partners
Gulu (Uganda) & Online
26/04/2021 - 28/04/2021

Towards meaningful education and decent work for the youth in Eastern and Southern Africa: partnerships, democratisation and sustainability

The YEW Conference aims to enhance collective learning and knowledge production, innovations and practical actions to promote meaningful education and decent work for youth.


Key discussions center on:

  • a need to democratise approaches to national and international TVET policy formulation and implementation, which are too top-down and exclusionary of educators, youth, local business and universities;
  • a need for systemic innovation of TVET institutions and new innovative links and deep collaboration between the world of work and the world of education;
  • and a need to embed these new partnerships in a regional eco-system perspective.



Meeting ID: 838 3749 2339

Passcode: 412155