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Our series of technical briefs, 'Putting SDG4 into practice', bundles our knowledge and experience of different themes in various country-specific contexts. Each edition zooms in on a specific building block of quality education, and how VVOB strengthens them in its partner countries.

Putting SDG4 into practice #3: Learning through play

Learning through play has gained momentum in early childhood education and beyond. This third publication in our series of technical briefs:

  • zooms in on the proven positive effects of learning through play on a child's wellbeing and involvement in learning,
  • discusses characteristics and types of learning through play,
  • and delves deeper into VVOB's approach to implementing learning through play, with case studies from partner countries Vietnam and Zambia.

This technical brief is available for download below, but please do not hesitate to contact us at if you wish to receive one or more hard copies, or for any other questions.